Have you ever thought about enhancing your landscape with an outdoor water feature? If so, we can certainly understand why! Water is one landscaping component that significantly improves a landscape design’s overall appeal and utility and has many benefits beyond the obvious.

Outdoor water features help homeowners create more natural living spaces by adding sound, texture, and movement to landscape designs. They can transform your yard from a plain, uninteresting patch of grass into a lush, peaceful haven, completely altering how it looks and feels. The following are the main advantages that a water feature will offer:

Advantages of Having a Water Feature
  • Reduce the amount of noise pollution in the area. While the sounds of falling water can help you feel less stressed, installing a water feature in your yard can also block out the familiar neighborhood sounds like passing cars and chatter from next-door neighbors. Homeowners can benefit from a more peaceful and private environment that encourages relaxation by blocking these disturbances.
  • Attractive to local wildlife – A water fountain can draw a lot of chirping birds, butterflies, animals, and plants around it even if you are not making any efforts. If you live in the city, it can be a nice little getaway from the stress and activity of daily city living while offering a ‘haven’ to the local animals. Your mind will become more at ease as you observe bees, birds, and butterflies playing, sipping, and bathing in the water. This will help you feel more connected to nature.
  • Boosts curb appeal – For prospective homeowners, well-maintained landscape water features provide charm and aesthetic intrigue, adding one more bonus for their purchase. A fountain, tiny brook, or even a bubbling ceramic pot might add value to your home if you want to sell it.
  • Flexible beauty – There are numerous sizes available for water features, so no area is too big or tiny. Small fountains can be nestled into nooks in cramped locations to provide the desired sound and look without taking over the yard. Larger spaces can be divided into one or several entertaining sections by waterfalls or cascading streams.
  • Draws the attention of family and visitors – We all find water alluring, whether we’re little kids or kids at heart. A water feature is something that everyone can enjoy, so your family will unavoidably gather around it. A pond is an excellent place for kids to learn and unplug from technology. You will undoubtedly be the buzz of the neighborhood if you host events near the water feature!

Kinds Of Water Features You Can Add To Your Garden

One of the best things about water features is just how varied and customizable they are! No matter what size of a garden you have or what kind of water feature you wish to add you can find something to fit!


  • Bird Bath – What comes to mind when you first think about water features? The majority of us will immediately think of bird baths! This traditional landscape element is timeless and has the extra benefit of being good for the environment. You may locate a bird bath that matches the size and style of your outdoor space by selecting from pedestal styles, hanging bird baths, fountain designs, or other varieties.
  • Koi Pond – Who needs an indoor aquarium when backyard koi ponds are just ready to be constructed? Several kits are available if you want to build one for yourself, or you may engage a landscape architect specializing in creating these tranquil ponds. Though active and captivating, koi require regular maintenance. Before tackling a koi pond, make sure you are aware of their requirements, and you will have fish friends (and a beautiful view) for years to come.
  • Water Fountain – A smartly set up water fountain could recycle water and feed it back into the fountain-head or intake to be utilized once again if it was created and planned with water conservation in mind. A fountain adds moisture to the air on hot days or in scorching areas, providing much-needed relief for your family and the neighboring plants and landscaping. Only your DIY abilities, creativity, and budget restrict the styles, materials, and sizes of fountains that can be purchased or constructed.
  • Well – A wishing well is the best option if you want a charming touch on a water feature. Some wells are used to extract water from the deepest parts of the ground for practical purposes. Others resemble fairy tales and are more of a decorative element. Wells as a purely ornamental landscape feature probably peaked following World War II. However, some individuals enjoy its vintage charm, and wells go amazingly with specific architectural and landscape design eras, such as Tudor or Early American home designs.
  • Swimming Pool or Tub – A pool or hot tub installed in your backyard is fantastic for more than just family entertainment; it may raise the value of your house. Create a bubbling, lit pool underground or install an above-ground, deck-mounted pool. Additionally, this component can be effortlessly incorporated with other landscaping features like water walls, fountains, and waterfalls.
  • Waterfall and Pondless Falls – A excellent method to include motion in your landscape is to add a waterfall to a pond, stream, or pool in the backyard. To make a path for the water, rocks, concrete, or even fiberglass can be layered, and flowers, succulents, or grasses can be added for color. Another option is a pondless waterfall, perfect for backyards with limited space because it doesn’t require a pond. These waterfalls contain pumps that circulate water back up through the fountain rather than accumulating at the bottom, producing the same effect in half the space. Pondless waterfalls can also be created with stones, plants, and pebbles for a more natural appearance, requiring little to no care in their upkeep.

Of course these are only a few of the amazing water feature ideas out there. We could go on for days and days about all the different types that are out there, and you need only take a look at Pinterest or a local landscaping site to get a feel for what might work in your own garden!

And if you want to enhance the look of your water feature even more? We’ve got you covered! Spice up the water with beautiful flowers, bushes, and anything else you need to make your backyard a true oasis. Visit our website or check out our blog for more backyard tips!

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