If you’re looking for an excellent way to grow vegetables, container gardening is a great place to start. This technique can come in handy for those who are looking to do something special with a small gardening space.

Whether this be a small garden area, a patio, balcony or driveway for you, here’s a guide to successful vegetable container gardening.

What is vegetable container gardening?

Vegetable container gardening is the practice of growing your vegetables in containers or pots. Almost any vegetable can be grown in a container, and it can give you a sense of joy and control over what you choose to produce.

With vegetable container gardening, you may find harvest, maintenance and clean up to be a lot simpler compared to growing vegetables in a much larger garden plot. Most of all, it allows you to make use of all of the space you have available, no matter where you choose to grow your veggies.

Best vegetables to grow in containers

The first question you may be wondering is, “What are the best vegetables to grow in containers?” Below are vegetables that do well in container gardens.


Peas are an excellent vegetable to grow in containers as they are fast-growing, and can yield a bountiful harvest with very little effort. Peas can take about 60 to 70 days to mature from seeds.


Similar to peas, lettuce is a great vegetable to grow in containers if you’re a beginner as they are also fast-growing. It is recommended to grow lettuce in larger containers as they can accommodate their mature size.


Whether in a container or not, carrots thrive in well-drained soil. If you’re unable to provide loose soil in a garden plot, a container with plenty of drainage holes and premixed soil can come in handy.


Beets grow well in containers that are suitable in size and depth. When growing beets in containers, be sure that the container is at least 10 inches deep at the very least so that their roots have room to grow and stretch.


Growing this fibre-rich vegetable in containers is relatively easy. A container that is 10-12 inches deep is suitable for cabbages, as well as one that has adequate drainage. Note that if you do decide to grow more than one cabbage in one container, you are likely to expect smaller heads.


Kale is one of the easiest garden greens to grow. It’s both a cool weather and frosty-hard crop that can last well into the winter season. In containers, they require rich, well-draining soil and thrive best in a sunny location with at least 6 hours of direct sunlight.


Spinach can be grown from sowing seeds or regrown from roots. A wide-mouthed container or pot that is about 6-8 inches deep works best for spinach. After sowing the seeds, spinach should germinate within 5-14 days.

Vegetable container gardening tips

Now that you have a list of vegetables that are suitable for container gardens, here are some tips to keep in mind as you begin to plant and harvest your own.

Support your taller climbing vegetables

Vegetables differ in terms of their needs and their size. For vegetables that are on the taller end or are climbing vegetables, be sure to support them with the space they need to grow with trellises, stakes or twine.

Many of these forms of support can easily be DIY’d on your own. Doing this will avoid damaging the plant or their roots.

Choose a proper sized container

When growing your vegetables in a container garden, or any plant for that matter, ensuring that they are the right size is key so that you don’t disrupt their roots or growth. When you support your vegetables with the right container, the better they will grow.

If you’re unsure of what size to choose for the vegetable you are growing, a rule of thumb to follow is that most vegetables will need at least 12 inches of soil to grow while larger vegetables will require more space.

Water as early and deeply possible

Container vegetables should be watered early in the day. This will allow your vegetables to have enough moisture to get through midday hours when the temperature and sun are more harsh.

This will also ensure that by nighttime, the leaves of your vegetables are dry which could prevent the spread of disease.

Use soils formulated for containers

Healthy soil is key to growing healthy vegetables in container gardens. Contrary to popular belief, it’s best to refrain from using garden soil for your container vegetables.

Instead, use soiless potting mix that is formulated for container use. This soil will create a quick-draining, lightweight environment for your vegetables and will prevent disease or pests.

Place pots in an area that get full sun

In order to maximize your harvest to the fullest potential, place your pots in an area that gets full sun. Greens like lettuce and spinach can do well with less sunlight, whereas fruiting plants require a bit more sun throughout the day.

Additionally, wherever you place your pots, be sure that they’re in a place that you can easily access to water them as well.

If you’re looking to grow more vegetables, but are worried about the limited space that you may have, you can’t go wrong with a container garden!

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