Spring is almost here and as we all wait, this is an exciting time to think about what plants you want to grow outdoors. It’s also the perfect opportunity to try planting something you’ve never planted before. Below are 9 plants that are fun to grow outdoors and are guaranteed to leave a lasting impression, whether you choose to plant them now or later on in the year.


Dazzle your senses with brilliant geraniums. With an expansive colour and scent palette, the sky is the limit for creating some garden magic with your geraniums. These sun-loving beauties are happy in-ground, and they’ll serve you very well in pots too. Be sure to stay on top of the deadheading so they’ll keep blooming from spring through to early fall. No garden is complete without this classic, must-have essential!


These small, woody shrubs are a perfect addition to your garden because their white or purple blooms are one of the first to bloom in late winter, providing the colour you’ve been yearning for and indicating that spring is just around the corner.

These hardy little shrubs are tolerant of cold weather, poor soil conditions, and varying light conditions (though it is happiest with some afternoon shade).

One of our best picks for a well-rounded garden!


Begonias are beautiful plants to grow both indoors and outdoors. This plant includes around 1,500 species and carefully understanding the type of begonia you are growing is the key for its success. They are known for their bright, showy flowers and leaves, and due to their rather simple care, they are a wonderful option to experiment with in your outdoor garden or patio.

To reveal big and healthy blooms, these plants require great drainage, partial sun, and average garden soil. A pro tip to maximize the look of these plants in your garden is to consider growing them in groups to fill in space. Before doing so, be sure to note the height and spread of the begonias you are purchasing.


Clematis is one of our favourite plants here at Clearview and due to their beautiful look, their reliability, and extensive history, there are so many reasons why. They thrive in sunny locations with cool soil, and despite the varieties, they all require a similar level of care.

There are over 200 varieties of clematis, all which have their own distinct look. Whichever tickles your fancy the most is the one you should strive to go for. Here at Clearview, we have The Clematis Vancouver™ series, bred by our founder and clematis expert, Fred Senior. You can trust that the Clematis you purchase from us is set up to succeed in your garden.

Deciduous Magnolia

What could be a more iconic flowering tree than the beautiful magnolia? Frost-hardy and available in a variety for every taste, you can’t go wrong by adding this beauty to your landscaping. Blooming in late winter, these beauties kick off the garden season with some major elegance. Some varieties will even bless you with a second flush in late summer or early autumn. Ask us in-store about the best deciduous magnolia for your space!

Dinnerplate Dahlias

If there’s one word to describe these one-of-a-kind plants, it’s charming. These plants have a memorable presence you’ll never get tired of looking at in your garden or on your patio. Their petals have a very distinct, picturesque look, and they produce very large flowers.

They bloom in late summer and are best to plant once any risk of frost is completely gone. Optimal growing conditions for this plant include rich soil, good drainage, and partial shade. Once the plants are well established, they can be watered around 2-3 times a week.


If you’re looking for a fun plant to grow outdoors you can never go wrong with this classic. Not only are Petunias visually appealing, they have long flowering periods that make a statement in your outdoor space.

These flowers come in many different sizes and colours so there’s always options to choose from. A fun fact about these plants is that the name “petunia” originates from the word “petun” which means “tobacco” in Brazil.

Creeping Phlox

The “fun” in creeping phlox lies within it’s low maintenance and easy on the eye appearance that is perfect for covering ground in your lawn. They bloom in late spring and summer, and attract a lot of pollinators throughout the season.

After the blooming season, you can count on these plants to retain their foliage throughout the year, before withering away in the winter. They only require a bit of pruning, annual feeding, and regular watering to remain healthy and vivacious.


One of the best ways to see the fruits of your labor in your garden is by planting vegetables. Additionally, what makes vegetables a good choice to plant in your garden is that they can be attained all year round no matter the weather. Tomatoes, peppers, fava beans, cucumbers, and carrots are just a few options to start with!

No matter what you choose to grow outdoors, remember that no decision is a bad decision! Knowing how to best care for the plants you decide to grow is the key to their success.

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